In 1973, the Lockerbie Square Peoples Club was formed to become involved in projects to promote the revitalization of Lockerbie Square. After many years of hard work by an early group of urban pioneers and those that followed, there is still much that needs to be done annually to preserve this very special neighborhood we call home.
To accomplish our annual preservation/neighborhood activities, the neighborhood formed two entities… The Lockerbie Square Neighborhood Association, Inc. (dba Lockerbie Square Peoples Club) and the Lockerbie Square Foundation, Inc.
The Lockerbie Square Peoples Club is a qualified neighborhood association under Section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code and the Lockerbie Square Foundation, Inc. is a qualified not-for-profit Foundation under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The former is responsible for operational and social activities of the neighborhood and the latter focuses on fundraising for preservation projects.
The neighborhood also assumes responsibility for providing services beyond those provided by the city, all of which work towards insuring property values, providing for safety, maintenance, and the quality of life in Lockerbie Square. Annually, the neighborhood needs to raise approximately $15,000 in order to support funding of the following services:

- Additional street lighting above what IPL and the city are willing to provide
- Pay for snow removal for interior streets and alleys
- Street cleaning beyond the city’s once-a-year service
- Repair of Lockerbie’s brick sidewalks
- Maintenance and replacement of neighborhood trees
- Pre-emergent every spring to deter growth of weeds in the sidewalks
- Annual support for organizations that support our neighborhood such as Riley Area Development and the IPD Horse Patrol
- Historic markers and historic street name signs
- Neighborhood functions July 4th, Holiday Party, etc.
While the neighborhood will consider special fund raising projects from time to time, our primary source for financial support will continue to be through resident contributions. We ask for an annual contribution of $150 per Lockerbie Square household. Some neighbors will be able to contribute more than the requested $150 and others will contribute at the $50 or $25 amounts. Every contribution is important and all would include membership in the Lockerbie Square People’s Club.
The success of Lockerbie Square is the result of dedicated neighbors who have worked and invested in the belief that the adopted neighborhood of James Whitcomb Riley would be reborn into the vibrant historical urban neighborhood that it is today. Please consider how you can contribute by completing a membership form. Your financial support is truly appreciated.